Too Busy Livin’ to Give A Shiz!
Too busy livin' to give a shiz! And that's the way it is supposed to be. When the rest of this world is caught up in competing with the Jones. When everyone around
Too busy livin' to give a shiz! And that's the way it is supposed to be. When the rest of this world is caught up in competing with the Jones. When everyone around
There you are and here I am, locked and anchored, caught as one. I see you wanting me. I see you wanting all that you claim that you desire. I see you craving, fighting for
It feels so great when at your core you KNOW, not just think, not just feel good, but KNOW.... You know that feeling of knowing. Knowing that it will happen. Knowing
Scared to say NO! You are afraid of facing potential confrontation, you have painted an idea in your head that if you say no to someone about something that they will
You say you are not afraid. You say that you can feel the call, that the desire is alive in you and that you truly WANT for something more in your life. You
I remember the days when I had to almost literally be drug out of bed to go to my J-O-B. I am serious. I was drug like a kid out of my
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Alright. I get it. Really I do. I know that I don't act like I do. I know that these lessons just keep knocking me in the head, year after year, but truly I get it. I
You know you are beautiful. Just the way that you are. Yes you. You are so freakin' dynamic, you are a powerhouse of abundance. You are magnetic. You are lucky as sh*t. You are smart. You are AMAZING. And