WHY YOU ALWAYS DATE THE SAME TYPE OF PERSON. Part of the reason that you are not too damn excited about that new person is because you are waiting for them
WHY YOU ALWAYS DATE THE SAME TYPE OF PERSON. Part of the reason that you are not too damn excited about that new person is because you are waiting for them
SPARKS, FLAMES & FIRST DATE SABOTAGE ADVICE “I hate dating. I wish I could just skip it and find my person already.” So often, today this is the exact attitude that many
Six Vital Points To Dating To Find “The One.” As many of you may be aware, years back I did a research project on dating in the modern world. As a
THE SURROGATE WIFE OR HUSBAND About four years ago I was basically married to a man, all the married things without the paperwork attachments. We lived together. We paid bills, raised
ARE YOU EASILY LED BY SEX? Humans have made jokes about how easily a man is led by his nether regions. And many men are not fans of these jokes. Understanding that
How to lose a woman in three steps. Or man for that matter. Like most of my musings shared, these words can be taken to heart by either sex. So, you want
I WANT YOU TO WANT TO. “I want you to want to do the dishes.” She said to her husband of 23 years as they sat on my couch arguing about
Safety In Relationships - What That REALLY Means! Relationship. Most humans want a relationship, They are looking to be loved, to be cherished and cared for. One of the main things I hear over
“ Why did you come home a different path than what you normally do?” Stew asked Rachel before she could even get her car door closed. “ You are over 15