When My Dreams Show Up To Quickly – I Get Scared!
How dare you give me what I want so quickly! There has got to be some sorta catch if what I want is just showing up without me having to earn
How dare you give me what I want so quickly! There has got to be some sorta catch if what I want is just showing up without me having to earn
It feels so great when at your core you KNOW, not just think, not just feel good, but KNOW.... You know that feeling of knowing. Knowing that it will happen. Knowing
Get off your A*s and Get VIBING the way you know you need too. When are you going to get sick and tired of being sick and tired of not
You ebb and you flow. You wake up feeling effing amazing one day and then as if some sort of curse that you have no control of, something happens. Something takes over. And you
Well F-ck! There you go again. Chasing everything that you don't want because you got caught up in everyone else's stuff. Thinking that, that is what you should do if you love them. And
"We are Programmed to Resist Happiness and Love" - Say What????? Dear Client - The Universe Really Does Have Your Back 2016 the year of the fire monkey for those of you that