A WOMAN'S WORTH… Today I woke feeling pathetic, unworthy, as though I have no value to this thing called life. I sat here this morning over breakfast doing the thing that I
A WOMAN'S WORTH… Today I woke feeling pathetic, unworthy, as though I have no value to this thing called life. I sat here this morning over breakfast doing the thing that I
PERCEPTION IS REALITY. And Jesus could not do miracles in his home town because of this. My ex-husband always hated it when I said this to him. He would argue with me
It's your impression of me that shuts me down. It's your view of who you think I am that prevents you from seeing whom I really am. It's your ideas about what
"When I gave birth, that was the first time I truly let go and surrendered. And it taught me how amazing that feels. Giving birth made me realize the power of being