Put me on display.
Twirl my energy.
Ignite my soul,
my creative powers.
Let me be seen,
be desired.
And smile as you watch.
Watch all the suitors come to me,
as you turn me on with your masculine leadership,
your love that spins me into a greater woman,
revealing my light,
so bright I become like the sun in your love.
The more we dance,
the more you free my soul to become a queen,
you hold the steps,
you know the turns,
you carry me when I need.
And you smile as I radiate,
radiate my sex,
radiate my love,
radiate my art,
radiate my soul.
Always spinning back to you,
here in your arms is my home,
my holding space.
My lead.
Always in step,
and you smile.
You smile that smile of confidence,
you know with certainty that you hold me,
and to you I will come back.
You are not threatened by the onlookers,
by your fellow suiters,
you welcome their attempts to captivate me,
because you know.
You know the man that you are.
You know how unique our chemistry is.
How deep this energy connects.
Even though you may feel a pull now and again,
and doubt may present itself to your mind,
when you look in my eyes,
as you pull me in,
as you dip me and breathe of my essence,
you are reminded of how perfect this dance is.
And you feel me.
You feel my heart.
You feel my soul.
You feel my embrace of all that you offer,
and of who you are.
And you know.
You know the arms that I desire.
You know where my commitment is.
No other man can truly ever come near.
They can bask in my light,
they can watch me spin, twirl and smile.
They may even come close and test my waters,
only to discover,
discover that they cannot compete.
It is your masculine lead,
it is your confidence,
your passion,
and how our souls entwine.
This sort of love does not happen every day.
This dance many try to be duplicated,
this connection others may pray for,
desire and crave,
they may even believe it is theirs.
And try to convince they will, that they are my soulmate,
they have the ability to hold me in all my radiance.
Alas, they cannot.
For they are not strong within their masculine to hold this light I carry.
And so we dance,
you and I.
You twirl me,
and watch me bloom.
You smile as I glow,
in your knowing that it is you,
you who can carry the light.
Never owning it,
never controlling it,
but loving it as it enwraps your soul.
The ying,
the yang,
the harmony together.
Together we share moments as one,
and we dance.
This goes out to all you powerful, bad as f-ck ladies out there who know how hard it is to find a man who can carry you when you are a woman on fire and standing in her purpose.
Yes you ladies who desire to be held,
to drop down into your beautiful feminine essence and be supported by the masculine.
Not just any masculine will do.
Most will not.
Many may try,
but we goddesses,
know that they will burn out.
They cannot hold the fire that we contain,
they are sure to be burned as they wish to turn us on,
to see us in all our splendor.
But they cannot lead us.
Their fear is in their eyes.
Their desire too,
but as we step further in,
they know.
They know that they are not the one.
And this goes out to all you gents,
who want to be the man.
The man that this queen before you dances with.
listen and read these words sweet man.
It is hard to hold a woman that is turned on.
It is perhaps one of the most difficult missions you may ever have.
But if you prove to be man enough to do so,
to hold this space in confidence and not fear.
Step away from your desire to destroy your competition,
and instead open to your woman’s dance,
to her light,
her radiance.
She will bless with you a life and love that only few will ever know in their lifetime.
Know sweet man,
that the more you try to hide her light,
the more you want to swat at the moths that flock to her,
the more you tell her that you are scared.
Scared of her.
Scared of life.
And fear her light.
You tell her that you cannot carry her,
and so she will not trust.
She will not surrender.
And dance she will.
Dance with another.
Ladies never let anyone hinder your light.
Gentlemen, hold her in your masculine confidence.
And enjoy the dance.
No matter how long it may last.
The dance in this goddesses light will change you forever.
And lift her further to the heavens she once came from.
As always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
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