Always wanting for more and NEVER satisfied with what we have.
Can we ever consume all that we hunger for?
Is it healthy to want for so much and never to be satisfied?
These feeling of hunger for life,
for love, for abundance, for sex, for pleasure, for happiness, connection, support, health…
What is one to do with them if one gains them and quickly discovers how fleeting any of it was to gain?
As we manifest all that we desire,
we also move speedily toward more.
The desire to be more,
have more,
do more.
These desires come as we open ourselves to our divine potential as co-creators of our lives.
And we have been trained to think of them as evil.
We have been programmed to fall into shame and guilt for our hungers.
Believing that it is unholy to have such thirst for life and all that it has to offer.
That the only true rightous thing is to not want.
And that there is a thing called “your fair share.”
As well as another thing called, ” you must prove yoruself to acquire this desire.”
Yet the scriptures even speak of blessed are those who hunger and thirst for the rightousness.
I believe that we have muffled ourselves to rightousness by buying into the imprisoning fears of our egos that keep us based in pride. Thus we step away from our true power and alignment with God,
we step away from who we really are.
We inturn, pride ourselves in the not having,
in the suffering,
in the creation of our saga’s.
We pride ourselves in being “good people” by not having.
And often we look at desire and gaining the riches of this world as something for either the VERY blessed – AKA the chosen few or the wicked who have gained through unfavorable messures.
Either direction we lean away from the truth.
We proclaim that in order to be very blessed,
you must prove your worthiness,
this is spitting in the creative hands of God and saying that God makes unworthy things.
Or we proclaim that in order to have,
one must do be willing to in an essence sell their souls to the devil.
Again saying yet that there is a belief of unworthiness to being a creator.
Yet we state that we are children of God.
That we are co-creators to the manifesting of our lives and world. Speaking words about being the artist of our lives.
And acting as though we know that we can have.
That we are worthy.
That we are meant to create.
Somehow though,
we loose ourselves with the concept of rightousness.
And it is because we do not underwstand this word.
And here my sweet is where we fall.
We can be good people,
we can do amazing works,
we can speak the words and we can take the actions.
But when we do it from a place of pride instead of integity, we fall.
And we create our saga.
There is no wickedness to desiring,
to wanting and even in the manifesting of what we want for.
There is not needing to prove yourself to be worthy to gain what you want.
There is no fair share,
as there is an unlimited amount of blessing.
All any of us ever have to do though is get into alignment with God. The universe. The creator.
When we step into integrity with ourselves,
we step into integrity with others,
and we increase our vibration because we become aligned to God.
God is never out of integrity.
God is always in flow.
It is our ego and our belief that we can have through control, fear and pride that puts us into bondage.
Ask yourself today my sweet,
Where am I not in integrity with self?
And know that you are out of integrity in the same space with others and God.
These are the cahins that must be removed in order to access all that you desire.
And As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
It’s time for you to say yes to who you really are beautiful. It s time for you to commit to who you are,
to your soul and say YES.
Let’s work together 1:1 to bring you into the next decade of your life, the next year of your life fully embodied and activated.
Message me for deets on 1:1 coaching now.