That’s what I am.
And no matter where one goes,
There one still is.

That’s the life lesson we all need to learn.
Funny how we want to hide and mask who we are. We want to put under cover our imperfections or ride on the coat tails of those things that truly don’t make us who we are.
We want to flaunt our genius and our trauma.
In hopes that others will think grander of what we have overcome, when in truth the most powerful soul aligned and beautiful thing we can ever do is surrender to our perfectly imperfect humanness.

That surrender is shown with our ability to laugh and let go of all our needs of acting like we got it all goin’ on and perfect.
As though we have no troubles,
We have no doubts.
We have life figured out.
As though we know ourselves when the last thing we ever reveal is truth in who we are.

The soul that let’s the ego stand embarrassed is a soul on fire with self-love.

If you are anything like me,
You may find yourself looking in the mirror,
Judging yourself.
Your body.
Your finances.
Your life choices.
You may make excuses and call bullsh*t on yourself all in the same moment.

You may sit with your lover and wonder what they see in you.
Why are they still hanging out?
And in the same feel ever so grateful for the unconditional deep love they bring you into.

You may find yourself not wanting to mess up in life.
You may be super self critical and know that there is so much more that you could be and should be doing, hoping that no one discovers just how human you really are.

How far from f-cking perfect you actually reside.

Oh but baby,
You know what is beautiful beyond measure?
You know what show’s courage and strength like no other?

Taking the mask down.
Allowing yourself to see all those imperfections and loving yourself all the more.
Letting joy and play bless your life,
Knowing that when you truly connect,
Armour down with those you love,
That this is soul alignment.

That feeling.
That feeling of beauty that washes through you.
That feeling of happiness that shows itself upon your face.
That feeling of love that fills your heart.
That is truly who you are,
When you stand revealed in authenticity.

That is your soul aligned.
That is your truth.

And when you hide and run from what you deem imperfections, flaws and weakness you hide from YOU.
You hide from your strength.
Your Love.
And you stand in armour before those you love.

So go now,
Look in the mirror of self-criticism and hatred,
Smile into those beautiful eyes of yours,
Run your hands across that body in gratitude for the temple that it is and all that it allows you to experience.
Stand there and speak up your life.
Speak up your heart.
Speak up your truth,
And laugh at all those human imperfections.

You are beautiful beyond measure.

In love from my f-cking imperfect temple to yours,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers “