I Am A Woman on a mission...
A mission to help other brilliant rebellious souls who are exhausted from the mundane life, overwhelmed by the trauma, pain and suffering of what we have allowed to manifest thus far - ever hopeful, courageous and pursuing of this "sacred union" of love and devotion that we want for with our equal, all the while being a little reckless, playful and uniquely us. I am a woman on a mission to witness you, because I have walked in similar shoes and I know your hunger. I understand your fear.
My mission is to start a revolution
It's a soul-tion, YOUR SOUL - unapologetically free, in love and favor of God.
I Am looking for guidance on...
(Click link for musing on related topic)
Intimate Relationship
We are all looking for love, but what we truly desire is to know that we matter.
We often rely on our closest intimate relationships to help us put together the pieces of ourselves that we feel are missing or wounded. This is the power of the sacred romance of soul that we crave - where we discover and align ourselves to another - OUR SOULMATE.
Communication & Connection
Intimacy is not about sex but about vulnerability. Which is the most powerful way we humans connect. INTO-ME-YOU-SEE. When we offer our presence to our loved one and they feel seen and heard, they no longer feel deeply alone, thus manifesting a joint ground for healing and transformation.
Eroticism, Sex, & Play
Our soul craves erotic excursions from literal reality, making it no mystery as to why our sex is so compelling and enticing. Ero's does not just reside in our sex however. It can be found in all aspects of life as God intended and is our source of freedom, passion, expansion and manifestation of the life that we hunger for.
Play is paramount in this journey of exploration away from ordinary living and with the help of ero's and the gift of our sexuality we discover many truths about our partner, ourselves, our relationship, and life itself.

Trauma Release
Trauma is a fact of life. It literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising one's capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. Only a whole being approach with the body as the guide, the heart as the vocal piece and the soul as the light can one reclaim their life. Anxiety, depression, stress and the majority of physical ailments all stem from stored trauma on one scope or another, learning the language of our emotions that manifest in different ways and learning skills as to how to release these timeless wounds offers a bold paradigm for one's personal healing story.
Speak Up Your Life (LOA)
We are told in Genesis that the first thing that God did was speak, and he spoke the world into existence. We are also taught that we are created in the image of God and have great power, which is true for all of us. The question that we must inquire is, "are we conscious or unconscious in our creation of our world?" A Course in Miracles, Abraham Hicks, The Law of Attraction all teach just this, becoming conscious, which is what the light is and as we become conscious manifestors of our world we tame the chaos, align with God and our soul and thus call in all that we desire. But first we must SPEAK... we must ask so that it can be given.
Technology of the Soul
There is a language of our soul, it is a technology that uses many programs. The great teachings of all time, from all over the world attempt to teach us this language, however it often becomes bogged down by our human need to control and make what is simplistic and natural, difficult and cumbersome, make the teacher "special" or a "guru", chosen in some way. This is our human ego getting in the way of our greatness. The bible speaks of the wisdom of our dreams, the gifts of the spirit, the weaving of our lives together and how we can be sealed together. What do these things mean in our modern world? and how do they impact us in our lives? Learning the technology of your soul will allow you to CLAIM YOUR LIFE once more.
Time too...
"If you are not healed you have a 99% chance of choosing the wrong person" - Rene' S.
What People Are Raving About
"BAM! Since working with you my income has doubled in the last six-months, you said that many people experience this sort of transformation and abundance and I did not believe you, but you were correct. Your love of life and trust in flow is powerful and you have shown me just this, that is why now it is all that matters. All the miracles that I could have ever hoped for comes from understanding this. Thank you for all that you do!"
Aarav Patel
Analyst , New York, NY
"The spiritual partnership is about two multi-sensory individuals uniting in a bond where they commit to support their evolution to create and align their authentic power. Interested in more than common objectives, their goal is to grow spiritually; their commitment is a promise, a determination to move into their full potential, offering their greatest gifts, moving past their fears, their wounds and to heal completely -TOGETHER. They become the heroes of time and space, slaying dragons, finding lost treasure, and restoring the lands to prosperity.
They are SOULMATES and this is their Sacred Romance." - Rene' S.

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