HOLDING SPACE FOR SELF AND DESIRES IS F-CKING HARD SH*T! Man is it ever. And most people are not strong enough to do just that. They want to sorta throw up all their
HOLDING SPACE FOR SELF AND DESIRES IS F-CKING HARD SH*T! Man is it ever. And most people are not strong enough to do just that. They want to sorta throw up all their
The universe is using you. Yes you read that right. The universe is using you. You could say God is using you even. But what are these forces greater than you using you for? Creation. And
You are making it more complicated then it is. You are not thinking valid thoughts right now. It is challenging to think valid thoughts isn't it. But you MUST realize
Do you ever have a moment in your life where you find your heart swelling with gratitude and love? Where you are sitting in a state of awe over how effing
It's not your NORM. But it feels like it is. It may be common, it may be abundant in your life, But I swear to you... It's not your NORM. And what am I referring too? I
What if I told you that the one thing you are sitting around and contemplating, the one thing that you are procrastinating on, and have been this whole time, is