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Quantum Field Tantra Workshop Level 4
January 8, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Yes! You have this power and by learning and understanding it you can shift not only your reality but assist others healing as well…
“The Skill of Sight.”
Now granted we are not speaking about just your every day eye sight here.
And we are not talking about becoming necessarily more conscious either or the learning of visualization or becoming psychic.
However, Level 4 is just another skill that many “gifted” or so called psychics make use of.
Remote Viewing!!!
Remote viewing ( RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly “sensing” with the mind.
The CIA and our National Defense spent four decades studying and making use of “gifted and trained” viewers. This “gift” is not abnormal by any means, in fact we humans, all of us with a bit of practice and understanding can develop this fantastic skill with a bit of time, dedication and playfulness.
Right now there are multiple studies being done at leading universities such as Harvard and Stanford on this very topic. Some of these studies are focused on “gifted” children who can see so well without actual sight that they can read a book when blind folded or play catch outside with friends who are also blind folded. Our minds eye perceives our world through energy frequency and the communication of it. We have been taught to use our actual eyes, but what if it were possible for you to “see” even when they are closed or when you are not in the same location as your desired focus point?
If you came to Level 1 ,2 or 3 you witnessed the power of your mind and how it physically impacts those around you. Found yourself feeling like you could see into someone’s soul and found yourself in a magical space of connection and power. Realizing that YOUR consciousness plays a significant role on the world around you and that the subtle feelings you gain about someone may be telling a bigger story.
You most likely started the process to demystifying what is called “full-body orgasm,” as well as…
Experienced that we are all psychic and can touch another human being without physical touch.
You saw with your own eye’s energy move through a live models body creating an exalting energy experience.
In Level 3 you may have been among the many who experienced moving matter with thought.
Can you imagine what Level 4 offers?
In this Level 4 Training Workshop on Quantum Field Tantra get ready to explore and expand your thinking about what being human really means.
Let expert master teacher, facilitator Kendal Williams walk you down a magical path of the quantum field world as it pertains to self-healing, restoration and vitality of mind, body & soul.
If you have come to any of KW Coaching, LLC. Orgasm Camps over the last decade you most likely witnessed Kendal playing with her live model’s orgasmic energy. You also might recall those “magic” tricks she did where she had her model experiencing full body orgasm while not being touched.
How is that possible?
Join Kendal Williams in this empowering, mind blowing workshop of wonder and see with your very eye’s the magic or Quantum Field Tantra + Learn the foundations of how you can start to master your intrinsic nature as well and explore the quantum world physically.
Level 1 , 2 & 3 Training Not Required but appreciated.
“Fifty six people in a room is a ton of energy anyway, but to see so many pairs of people actually experiencing this magical experience…. Powerful beyond words.” — Jenn Thomas Participant at the Austin Tantra Festival 2019
a.k.a Integration
Quantum Field Tantra provides an opportunity for men and women to integrate and reconnect with their intrinsic nature by experiencing the essential current of their sexual energy throughout their bodies, free from any judgments or expectations.
This “energy based” integration work is designed to expand the amplitude for experiencing increased orgasmic flow and to assist in the eliminating of any prevailing emotional, physical, mental or sexual traumas stored in the body, as well as opening energy pathways that have been hindered potentially since childhood.
It facilitates both sexes in reconnecting with their positive pole’s.
The heart – for women,
The genitals, for men.
Quantum Field Tantra Assists In:
- removing sexual trauma from the body
- clearing sexual conditioning’s, including feelings of shame, guilt, old belief systems, etc.
- re-sensitizing the body, including heart area and penis/vagina
- increasing “staying power” (for men)
- erectile dysfunction (for men) and vaginal numbness (for women)
- premature ejaculation (for men) and frigidity (for women)
- opening the energy in the body for more intense, full body orgasms
- realigning the man/woman to their masculine/feminine nature
- becoming a multi-orgasmic man/woman
- releasing trauma from the body
- releasing fears, anxiety, feelings of unworthiness
- reconnecting the man or woman to their confidence and power
- opening the throat chakra to assist in clear communication
- elevating the frequency of the man’s or woman’s energy
- realigning the man/woman to their natural polarity
- realigning the man to his natural polarity, authority and power.
- realigning the woman her natural polarity, receptivity and power.
- releasing unprocessed feelings (anger, rage, unworthiness, guilt, etc.) which affect present interactions
- resolving any trauma caused by the relating with the mother/father
- and so much more….
- releasing conditionings and old belief systems from the physical body
- experiencing your egoless self
- opening the heart center
- opening, clearing and rebalancing your structural foundation for optimum alignment of mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies
- refining your natural psychic ability
- enhancing intuition
- igniting abundance and creativity
Make January Sizzle!
- Explore your magical gift of remote viewing and your ability to work with chakras, meridians and the clearing of emotional and physical wounds by understanding it.
- Practice “feeling” the images and trusting what you feel/see.
- A series of breathing and body awareness techniques to help you focus your quantum energy.
- Practice honing in your remote viewing abilities through simple guided practices that you can do anywhere.
- Learn how to amplify your quantum field energy through activating and exploring vagus nerve stimulation and toning.
- Learn how to move orgasmic energy from genitals through out entire body to intensify your paranormal human skills.
What people are saying about KW – Workshop’s:
“Holy F-CK!!!!! That is really all I can say. I am a believer. I never knew I could do these things. Thank you Kendal for showing me my magic. ” – JT – Level 3 Participant
I signed up for her 10-package series of integration after attending Level 1 and I did so with the hope that I could heal a life long struggle with my childhood trauma and anxiety. Four sessions in and I feel like a new person. I can actually snuggle with my hubby in ease for the first time and I want to have sex! — Debra Finch, Participant Level 1 – 2019 Class
WOW! Kendal always amazes me with her knowledge and skill set. I never knew this stuff was possible. Its magic for sure and yet so real.– Jim M – N. Texas Therapist and Participant of Quantum Field Tantra Level 1 -2020 Class
Extraordinary! Sexual interactions just opened up into uncharted dimensions today. Thank you! –Julia J. – Participant of 2016 Workshop
Always a wonderful workshop with great energy and new knowledge! — Addison Bell, Tantra Coach and Participant of 2016 Workshop
*Workshop’s Have Live Model Demo’s (NO filming or pictures allowed- no google glass or other recording devices of ANY kind) Workshop is shown with live model, all participant will remain clothed during this class. This is an educational workshop.
*This is an experiential workshop that will require partner pairing and participation. All energy based body work will be limited touch and will NOT include any genital touching or stimulation.
*There is no nudity.
How much would you be willing to pay to learn these skill’s?
Most retreats and workshops of equal education are valued at $395 +per person
$199.00 per person.
Early Bird $125.00 till Jan. 1st, 2022
*Limited Space – This class will sell out quickly.