Finally, an online academy that speaks the raw, authentic truth on relationship between men and women. Designed to provide you with education in an easy to comprehend fashion.
No matter where you are at in your relationship, we all know that there is always room for improvement.
Especially, in the areas that we tend to find ourselves repeating from relationship to relationship.
However MOST of the time, we simply do not pay much attention to the seemingly “little” things that are painting a picture of what is to come UNTIL something drastic, dramatic or traumatic happens. Then we fear that our dreams and goals have blown away with the winds of change and our hearts may never recover. We fear that once again we have been scorned so deeply that we may not be able to trust, open up or worse yet even find love.
My couple’s work is my passion.
In this online academy I get to help couples in all stages of relationship, including pre-relationship define, create and ignite their dream love life.
Ask yourself this.
Do you desire a relationship based on TRUTH, LOVE, AUTHENTIC RELATING and DEEP INTIMACY?
This is where we as individual’s in the relationship MUST not let our bullshit become bigger than our dreams of connection, authentic relating and LOVE!!!
Not to mention Hawt Sex!
In this series of 69 video trainings you will discover the truth in relationship.
Men will learn invaluable facts, skills, ideas and education on female sexuality, understanding women’s moods, orgasms and desires and how to build trust and intimacy with a woman.
Women will learn in depth facts, skills, ideas and education on male sexuality, understanding men’s thinking, orgasmic needs and desires and how to really connect to their man’s man heart, mind and body.
Couple’s will discover a world of information and ideas on how to rekindle love and passion, heal wounds and reignite the honeymoon phase.
In this intensive training designed for Men, Women, and Couples no matter their relationship status, you will access: over 8 hours of live recorded video trainings with expert sex and relationship coach Kendal Williams.
Learn Ancient Tantric Sex & Relationship Secrets
Discover New Ways to Connect with Your Current Partner
Make Yourself Irresistible to the Opposite Sex
Understand the Opposite Sex Mentally, Physically and Emotionally
Expand your knowledge of pleasure and eroticism into the relationship
Learn about different kinds of communication and how it impacts your sex and intimacy
Learn about sex dates, adventure sex, and more.
What to Expect in the Academy:
- Over 8 hours of live recorded training
- Intimate shares and questions answered on topics such as:
- How can I get my partner to surrender during sex?
- How can I get my partner to commit?
- 3 Tips on how to Capture Your man’s heart.
- 5 Things Men Do to Ruin Their Sex Life
- 7 Behaviors of Sexually Healthy Men
- Sexual Fulfillment in Long Term Relationships
- Erotic Massage for Lovers Tips
- 12 Bonus Downloads and Supportive Material
- Lifetime Access to Academy
Kendal's Top 10 Favorite Hawt Tips for the Bedroom
Don’t Wait!
Over $2,000 in 1:1 coaching value is contained in this academy.
And when I was putting together this academy for you, I was wanting to make it as economical as possible.
So looking at the recorded value,
This content would be valued at over $500!
However, that is not economical enough.
My soul wants to give this to you for far less.
SO what would you pay,
To gain deep knowledge and understanding about the opposite sex?
To learn how to maintain sexual fulfillment in a long term relationship?
To establish an authentic deeply intimate relationship?
To increase your own personal confidence inside the bedroom, in dating and in communicating with the opposite sex?
And much more.
So here it is,
Here is my F-ck Yes! Offer.
Get all of this.
You have transformed our relationship! I had no idea what each of us did not know and I feel an enormous sense of relief that we have a foundation to start communicating about intimacy and sex in an open respectful and mature but fun way!
Karl and Denise - Denton TX.
My wife is completely in raptures because of what I can do to make her feel as she rides the waves to heaven. Mostly do to your wisdom, openness to share and your philosophy toward love, relationships and sexuality. You have taught me to realize that its not about getting to the Big “O” but its about learning how to really feel her, and slow down and enjoy the journey. These things have ignited our 20 year flame that I thought the rain had put out. Thank you again, you have made me be able to give her everything that she deserves in the bedroom and in our communication.
Brad- Arlington, TX