How dare you give me what I want so quickly!
There has got to be some sorta catch if what I want is just showing up without me having to earn it.
I mean how is it possible that I speak about something and then not days later it reveals itself in my life?
I know that it is possible but it just does not feel right.
I truly believe that I need to work for this or its not real,
I will loose it for sure.
I am really afraid of saying YES…
What if I say yes and it all goes wrong?
What if I say YES and it’s the wrong choice to make?
I think I am better off just saying NO.
Even though I really want it,
and its wonderful that it has shown up like this so quickly,
I think I am going to have to pass.
It’s just not for me,
right now.
Thinking about saying YES to this has my stomach in knots.
There is just something off about it.
I know that this is not right for me,
because I can feel it in my gut.
When something shows up like this and it’s too good to be true,
well life has taught me that it most likely is,
so I don’t want to feel those pains again.
I am a NO.
I just don’t have the time right now to take this by the horns and do what I want with it.
So I think I will have to pass.
These and so many more EXCUSES are what we speak out loud or in our own heads to ourselves when we allow fear of stepping forward into our dreams to control us.
Don’t you get it luv?
That uneasy feeling that you got in your gut,
that’s not always your gut telling you that its a bad choice or that something is going to go wrong,
that uncertainty and anxiousness that you have is not always telling you that you are a no, or that it is a no for you.
That feeling of overwhelm or disbelief,
those feelings of I have been stun before and so I am not going to have it happen here,
this can all be signs that you need to step away from something,
They can be signs that you are a NO.
if you dig a little deeper,
can be signs that FEAR has you by the balls and if you let it run you will steal your dreams from you.
How can you know the difference?
How can you be certain that if you take that leap that you will be safe and that it will not be a wrong move in your life?
Number one,
you may never be certain that its right.
Number two,
you could make the wrong move.
But what I can promise you is that if you keep letting yourself be a NO to things that you will never gain the life that you want.
If you keep letting this crazy ass fear of yours run you silly and blind you from the opportunities that knock,
that you are making a wrong choice,
Then you definitely have something to fear.
because you are choosing to not live,
to not expand,
to not experience.
Well not experience anything but FEAR.
And if fear floats your boat baby,
well then have at it.
But if you hungry and wanting for more,
then maybe its time that you start to say YES.
Yes to opportunity.
Yes to experiences.
Yes to love, no matter how long it hangs out.
Yes to joy, play, laughter.
Yes to trusting that God has your back baby.
Because God does.
And your SOUL knows this.
Those feeling of not feeling right,
are VERY right.
They are telling you that your SOUL knows differently about something then what you think you know.
Your SOUL is 100 steps down the path before and has been through all that stuff and knows the steps that you need to take to get the the life that you want,
the quickest,
the smoothest,
and in flow.
But baby,
when you question why your dreams are just showing up in ease and with speed,
when you sit back and look for the gotcha in your goals,
realize that you are now questioning the power of God’s hand in creating.
You think that God has some timeline that he is following?
You think that if our creator wants to create something that it cannot just happen with a swipe of a hand.
You are the co-creator of your life and you are moving with speed because you are partnered up with the most powerful, potent force out there.
And God/Universe is all about speed.
You may not think it possible.
You may think that you gotta earn this shiz,
become worthy of it by serving your time and paying your dues.
Buy baby,
that’s all human made beliefs that are locking down the creative time and force that God has given you.
So stop the crazy ideas of questioning everything.
Stop the distrust of listening in past the fear.
Quit numbing yourself to your power by fidgeting around with such doubt.
Baby you got this.
But you gotta believe that you got this.
You gotta understand your power.
Say YES!
And As Always, Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
Want some extra support in co-creating your masterpiece?
That where God moves through me,
helping people like you who get that they are worthy AF and want to be conscious co-creators with God in the painting of a beautiful life but are still uncertain as to how to fully tap in and surrender that that they feel at their core.
Yes here is where I assist YOU.
Want to connect and say YES to YOU?
Let’s go! – You are worthy.
Message me for deet’s.