Truth Time Baby!


I get that 2020 has been a rocky sorta year so far and it looks like the fun is not coming to a stop anytime soon.


I get that you have been just surviving up to this point,

that the news you are listening too has you scared shitless most days,

and questioning what is going on in our world.

Are these the end of days?

Is this how our world goes down?

How humanity comes to an end?


I get that you have been watching all the negative reports about COVID spikes,

about racial issues and wrong doings,

about possible wars,

and let’s not forget the horrors of child sex trafficing and Hollywood.


It’s all just a bunch of hopeless suffering that causes you upset and torment,

makes your heart crumble and makes you want to not believe that it is so.


And so it is that you are finding yourself in 2020 saying that it is a raging shit show of a year,

feeling like our economy is forever changed ( and it is),

and not knowing if you will make it through or if you will become one of the millions who find themselves drowning in the hysteria,

in the loss of a job, savings, house, car and relationship,

and maybe even health.


There is one thing though that can change all of this for you.


It’s something that no one can ever take away,

it’s something that you can always be in control of,

and it is the deciding factor if you are in SOUL ALIGNMENT or NOT.


And that is your ATTITUDE.


Your attitude dictates your emotional response patterns to outside events and to what you are thinking.


Most people react from an emotional level,

they live in a reactive state instead of a proactive state of living.


Most people never realize that they can choose their emotional response to situations,




Including how 2020 is manifesting for our world.

Choosing to focus on feeling good,

on living a life of thriving and love,

abundance and connection,

living your TRUTH is nothing more than a commitment to SELF and a TRUST in the universe/God to deliver it outside of what the world is moving through.


It is choosing to not fall prey to all the negativity.


Now, don’t get me wrong this is not saying to close your eyes and ignore the world topics that are at hand,

often we believe that positivity means to ignore pain, stress and issues and to just put our attention on the good or the desire for good,


but that is not realistic.

You can choose to have an attitude of love, beauty and good vibes and still be AWARE and even outspoken about issues and causes that tug at your heart and soul.


You can still spread knowledge,

be a crusader,

a patriot,

and see the changes that need to occur.


But you will find yourself coming at these things from a different space than those who are focused on complaining, bitching, moaning and fearing about life.


You will be able to stand strong in knowing that YOU…


you are the co-creator of your life expression,

that you get to choose your thoughts,

you get to choose what you apply your focus too,

you get to choose your reactions,

and your feelings.


And you will KNOW that by staying in SOUL ALIGNMENT that your life will be evidence that none of us were ever born to live a life of suffering.


Because you will be walking through this year,

seeing all of its horrors,

counting your blessings from a place of love and gratitude,

not from a place of fear.

You will be connecting to loved ones and strangers,

you will be exploring life as it was always intended in its newness of each day,

you will not be terrified to wake up and feel like you must hide from your life to survive,

but instead you will see the sun shining and breathe deep in the crisp morning air.

You will be making plans of travels and community,

looking at family events and business possibilities,

you will know that you are supported in your TRUST that God/Universe has your back and that by making your ALIGNMENT the most important thing,

that your life will be one of THRIVING in this time of chaos.


But the THRIVING only comes from the alignment to the soul.

And your state of mind and emotion tells you EXACTLY where you are at at any given moment in time.


If you are among the millions who are bitchin’, moaning and complaining,

who are pointing fingers and shaming,

judging and hating,

fearing their neighbours and relatives,

looking at anyone who comes within eyesight range as though they have a gun to your head,

then it’s time that you get real about where your alignment is actually at.




That is a sign that your SOUL feels differently than your fear based ego mind.


That is a sign that you are calling to you all that you do not want for,

but what you fear instead.


That is sign that it’s time love to start TRUSTING in God,

trusting in the laws of the universe,

and in your deepest self wisdom.


It is a sign to stop the insanity and stop adding to the pot of chaos and suffering for 2020 and the future.


It is your bitchin, moaning and complaining that is keeping your desired life of abundance, joy, pleasure, connection and heath at bay.


And you love…



Are you ready to take responsibility for your life and what your experiences are or are you content in the comforts of your suffering?


As Always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


Want to know how one minute each day can create the life of your dreams quickly? Reach out to me about the Magick Minute Program to manifest your dream life in 2020.